Tuesday, May 29, 2012

KJV/Amplified Parallel Bible, Large-Print-Soft Leather-Look Camel/Burgundy by Zondervan

I did a lot of looking around before finally settling on this particular bible. I have worn out my first KJV/Amplified parallel bible and after trying other versions knew I needed just to buy a newer one of the same. I am not sorry I did! I love the leather look, the larger print, the gold gilded edges...for those of you who usually read giant print...this may not be the bible for you...but it works for me! Of course if I had the choice...I would of bought one that was geniune leather...perhaps Zondervan will eventually create one! Hopefully one that is two tone like this imitation leather one...as I really love the look and feel of it. I did take my new bible in and have it engraved at my local Christian book store...my only regret is that I did not ask where they would put this engraving...instead of putting it on the lower right hand side like I just thought they would...it was put more in the center...but oh well...live and learn!!! If you have yours engraved make sure they know where you really, truly want it. The first scripture I read from my new bible was the 23rd Psalm...one of my favorites...it brought tears to my eyes knowing I had bought the best bible out there for me! This particular bible I purchased through www.amazon.com and was completely happy and satisfied with Amazon. Thanks once again Amazon!

Saturday, May 5, 2012

The Founders' Key By Larry P. Arnn

Let me first say that I am not a history buff nor am I interested in the political realm of things or of governmental issues. Having said that I will recommend this book to those who ARE history buffs, interested in the political realm and governmental issues.
Dr. Arnn presents truths which he backs up with source documents which are included towards the back of the book. These include: The Declaration, Constitution and Federalist Papers.
Dr. Arnn is the President of Hillsdale College. He also teaches History and the Constitution amongst other things.

I received this book free from the publisher through the BookSneeze.com book review program. I was not required to write a positive review.

Spirit Wars by Kris Vallotton

This is an EXCELLENT book written by Kris Vallotton who ministers well in healing and deliverance and is also known for power in ministry. All this according to Bill Johnson who has been close friends with the Kris Vallotoon and his wife Kathy for over 32 years. It ceases to amaze me how little most people actually know about the field of healing and deliverance and some will even scoff when the subject is brought up. Not me. I know it is for real. I have also been called for such a time as this for this very same type of ministry. I have had but a taste of it and yet I know it to be true and know it to be real. This is not fantasy but Truth and Reality folks! I am very glad to of gotten a copy of this book, “Spirit Wars” in my hands. I had become complacent in this area and it is very evident in my life. I highly recommend this book to you. Kris Vallotton not only shares testimonies about how he came into the field of healing and deliverance (which to me are priceless in themselves!) but also shares how the Lord has taught him how to battle these demons. Kris does not desire for all to now have a “demon conscience” so to speak…but to keep the focus on the Lord. Yet seems he is wanting us all to be very much aware of the battle we are in and shares concepts on how to fight it. What our part is. There is very much more written here…golden nuggets you can gather up and place in your own spiritual arsenal. I will be keeping this book as part of my private collection to refer back to again and again. I thank the Lord for inspiring people such as Kris Vallotton…to not only rise up in answering the call on his life…but to also write about his experiences in order to not only teach the rest of us…but to encourage us to also rise up in what the Lord has called us to do. I recommend this book highly. I received this book for free in exchange for a book review from Chosen Books. I was not required to write a favorable review. Freely I have been given so I now freely give.

Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Garden of Love by Thomas B. Clarke

I thought this was a pretty book. I loved looking at the pictures of all the flowers. The part I liked the most was that the author was divinely inspired to write this book and put it together. This shows me that God has purpose in this book and that it should not be taken lightly. Having said that…I am currently in a season of much work and so much of what I read seemed wasted on me. I felt this book would be better off in the hands of someone who has the time to take to just sit with the book, perhaps even in their prayer garden…and ponder the meaning of it all. I felt it was more suited for an elderly person with time on their hands or even for a gardener, then for someone still in the working season. I do have plans for a personal prayer garden and so will keep this book for the times I will have there and for further inspiration as to what to plant. I feel blessed to have this copy in possession and am glad for it. Thanks Lord for bringing the inspiration and leading for this book written by Thomas B. Clarke and thank you for using him…in Jesus name…amen. I received this book for free in exchange for a book review from the BookCrash book review program. I was not required to give a favorable review.

The Fourth Fisherman by Joe Kissack

I must admit…this book was a hard start for me. I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to keep reading it. I am glad I pressed into it as it turned and became one of those “hard to put down” sort of reads. The author wrote two different stories, alternating between chapters. I found myself looking more forward to the stories about Joe personally then I did about the fisherman. There were many things Joe wrote which spoke to me as if directly from the Lord. I am encouraged by the things the author shared. How his life drastically changed from being an alcoholic/addict to living a life of radically chasing after a dream for his life which the Holy Spirit inspired and confirmed many times over. We all ought to be living such lives. The plan that God had for him was one of getting the true story of the fishermen and writing about it. It was not an easy task and there were many lies being told about the fishermen(that they were cannibals and drug trafficers) before this and trust was lost. This trust had to be regained in order to even get their story. Joe’s testimonies he shared in this book brought strength and a deeper belief or faith for the vision/dream which the Lord has placed within my own life. I have renewed vision and strength and can believe for it once again due to having read this book. May you all also be strengthened and encouraged to believe for your own selves that yes, it IS God leading you to do a certain something and that yes, even though it seems hard to believe and even one of those, “Is this God or have I lost my mind?” sort of things…know that the Lord will bring confirmations just as he has for Joe to keep you going until whatever He has called you to do is complete. May the Lord bless you as you continue on your journey of fulfilling your calling in Christ Jesus. Oh and yes, I recommend this book. You will not want to put it down and know it all comes together in the end. Amen. I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group. I was not required to give a favorable review. Freely I have been given and freely I give.