Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Encounter by Stephen Arterburn

This is the first fiction book I have read in some time. As a matter of fact, I had sworn off of reading fiction until I “encountered” this book “The Encounter” by Stephen Azterburn. (sorry, couldn’t resist that one lol) I am not only an avid reader of Christian books but am also a librarian and reading this book has caused me to re-think my decision to not read fiction!
This is a wonderful book and I loved it! It is one of those quick reads which captures your attention. I didn’t want to put it down!
I will not go into much detail as do not want to ruin the story for you but the author is very descriptive in his wording which I for one, like very much.
Something interesting and to take note of….as I read practically holding my breath and unable to put the book down…there seemed to be a shift in the dynamics or Spirit. Where there was this depth and embrace the pages then seemed to turn flat and lifeless. This began when Jonathan and Erica left Jonathan’s mother’s burned down house and when they entered Mercy’s house. It was a dramatic shift from what I discerned and I do not know why. I got the impression the God given inspiration left during this part and the author needed to improvise or else someone else gave him things to write. I do not know.
None the less, I loved this book and would rate it with 5 stars and plan to donate it to the library where I work so others can read it as well.
At the end of the book the author explains where the story came from and what it all meant to him as well as a study guide for personal and group study. (* Forgiveness/Past hurts/Bitterness/Healing there of)

I received this book free from Book Sneeze for the purpose of writing this review. I was required to write a favorable review.

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