Sunday, December 2, 2012
You Were Born For This by Bruce Wilkinson
For starters, let me say that I was pleasantly surprised at the content of this book as I began to indulge in it. I had somehow thought it was going to be a book about fulfilling one's calling/purpose...and you is that...but not how I had thought.
Turned out the Lord was intending on changing my mind sets! (and yours!)
The author suggests that what we were born for is to...”Do what God wants done.” Plain and simple. And really...I believe this with my whole heart. (aren't our own plans just junk?)
Questions the author asks his reading audience which to me were/are thought provoking are:
*Why are these experiences of the miraculous so rare for most people?
*What if Heaven actually wanted you to experience them on a regular basis?
*What if ordinary people like you and me are invited to partner with God to deliver miracles to others?
Thoughts to ponder and then act upon!
This book is chock full of little nuggets throughout which I adore! Things to ponder and to meditate upon. Here are some examples:
“God did not place you on this earth to notice Him at work only once or twice in your whole life.”
“ When the Father has a miracle mission in mind, increasingly He will send you, one of His devoted team players.”
“ God intends for us to use our money to display His goodness and faithfulness in miraculous ways.”
The anointing of the Lord on the writing of this book is quite evident as I experienced the Holy Spirit hovering over me as I read...bringing even more illumination.
I am blessed to of gotten my hands on this book.
Not a book to be lightly read, but one to study and meditate upon.
I highly recommend it to you.
I received this book for free from the publisher through the WaterBrook Multnomah book review program. I was not required to write a favorable review. Freely I have been given and so freely I give.
Fasting Student Edition by Jentezen Franklin
Whenever I see Jentezen Franklin's name I immediately think of fasting and bringing in the New Year with fasting. It is my belief that this man of God has an anointing on his life, in part, to teach on fasting. I have no doubt he is also anointed for oh so much more but the subject of fasting is what I know him for.
The author has used many Biblical examples/testimonies for how those in that day fasted and the outcome. This is quite encouraging and inspiring.
Reading this book has encouraged me greatly but also exposed to me an area where I have been lacking in my spiritual walk/journey. It is apparent to me that I have back sliden in my busyness and have laid aside what used to be so much a part of my life..that being...fasting.
Jentezen Franklin teaches so much about fasting. I can see why this is called a “student edition.” Although I am middle aged and a grandmother I am still a student at heart and always hope to remain teachable. As such I have gleaned much from this book.
I highly recommend this book book and I highly recommend reading this or other books on the subject of fasting for that matter, while you are partaking in a fast.
I also recommend that you keep a pen and journal handy for the Lord will surely bless and reward you while on your fast with many divine revelations and even direction in your life for the upcoming days.
I intend to add this book that Jentezen Franklin has written to my collection of other books on fasting. This one is by far the best I have read or own.
Good time of the year to have this good read ready for the coming New prepare to fast the New Year in...this giving these first days of the year to our Lord.
I have received this book for free in exchange for a free book review through the Charisma House book review program. I was not required to give a favorable review. Freely I have been given and freely I give.
Wednesday, November 21, 2012
"Grace" by Max Lucado
For some reason, of which I cannot now recall, I thought that this was going to be a book that I would not like. I actually thought it was going to be one of those dry sort of books that you had to force yourself to read. I was actually quite wrong!
I actually loved this book!
First off the subject of “Grace.” Such an important thing to get a good grasp of. Once you realize the Lord has bestowed His Grace upon you it seems it is instilled into your very heart. God's grace comes out on behalf of others along with His love following or as a result.
Before each chapter the author listed different Bible verses which pertain to that chapter as well as quotes such as, “The Christian is a man to whom something has happened.” by E.L Mascall. (I love scripture and I love quotes! Good to meditate upon and grow from!)
This book became my bedside companion until I was through reading it. I looked forward to going to bed each night having this to look forward to read. I found in reading this book before bed that I was putting my thoughts on something positive, something good...something GOD!
Parts of it made me heart softened and touched there in those deep, secret no man's land. God reached me there through Max Lucado's words.
A wonderful book to read and would make a wonderful gift as well.
I recommend.
I received this book for free in return for a free book review through booksneeze I was not required to write a favorable review. Freely I have been given and so freely I give.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
1000 Days The Ministry Of Christ by Jonathan Falwell
This is a book review written on the book “1000 Days” by Jonathan Falwell.
The author has the idea that all people are constantly on the search for inner peace. That all have restless hearts. He then goes on to share all the ways that people will try to fill their lives up with things and end up still not at that place of peace.
One great example he gives is of the couple who climb one mountain after another. They toil and work so hard to do all they can to reach the top of that one mountain only to find that once they reach the top that they do not have a feeling of satisfaction and must then go and find yet another mountain to climb. The author feels that they weren’t simply climbing mountains but that they were searching for inner peace.
It is hard not to take a look at how this has manifested in my own personal life. How many of the things I am doing are actually me searching for that place of inner peace?
If you are a Christian and are like me…if things seem to be in turmoil in your life you find you just cannot go even one more minute without having the peace of God back in your life. At times I, myself have to back track and look for the place where I seemed to of lost that peace of God and what now can I do to remedy this?
There is no better place to be then in the will of God resting in His peace…
The author goes on to share different aspects of the ministry of Jesus…hence the name of this book, “1000 Days” which speaks of the days that Jesus actually was out doing ministry while yet on this earth. Why did the author go from talking about our lack of inner peace and onto the days of Jesus ministering on the earth? Because the author feels and I quote:
“ But He did all these things to show us a way of life that is absolutely vital if we want to find rest for our inner longings. It’s not about salvation; it’s about truly becoming the God followers He intends us to be. It’s about finding His purpose for us and thus satisfaction for our inner restlessness. He knows that comes about as we become more like Him. So He’s showing us Himself in a journey of 1,000 days. As we plunge into those 1,000 days, listen to Him saying simply, ‘Watch Me.’”
I don’t know about you but I find the more I study about the days that Jesus ministered here while yet on the earth and about the lives of the disciples back in those days the more I hear Holy Spirit speaking to me through those examples. I can be right, smack dab in the middle of ministering to someone and one such example will come to mind. I will then know exactly what it is the Lord is speaking to me for the current situation.
I love how God works. I love that I am called to do His work. I love how the Holy Spirit illuminates His Word. I love how Holy Spirit gives revelation to those to write books and shed light on things for all the rest of us to chew on and glean from.
This book is written in a fashion that is easy to digest. The author uses many stories or testimonies to help shed some light on the point the is trying to get across. This has helped me to “get it.”
I recommend this book to you.
I received this book for free in exchange for a book review from the publisher through the BOOKSNEEZE book review program. I was not required to write a favorable review. Freely I have been given and freely I give.
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Reversing Diabetes by Ron Colbert, MD
This is a book review from the book titled, “Reversing Diabetes” and written by Don Colbert, MD. First let me say that I do not have diabetes. I did have gestational diabetes and my husband also currently has type 2 diabetes which is where I got the interest to read this particular book.
This is not a book you can just pick up and read in a matter of days. It is a meaty book packed full of information for good health, not just for those with diabetes. It is a book you will want to take the time out to study, meditate upon, and digest fully. In my opinion, the changes to be made spoken of here are not of the type that can be made overnight…having said that…they are changes you will want to incorporate one at a time.
I am not the author…but it is my hope that you will make changes and not just read about doing them. (this is my hope for my own self as well)
I have read other material on managing diabetes using alternative or healthier means…and this book is in alignment with other things I have read, and agree with, on the subject.
I highly recommend this book to not just diabetics and those who love diabetics but for all who are in search of good health and a long life free of disease.
After reading this book I am compelled to check into this particular author’s other books.
May the good Lord bless you with good health and a long life!!! IN Jesus name I pray, amen.
I received this book for free from the Charisma book review program in exchange for a book review. I was not required to write a favorable review. Freely I have been given and freely I give.
Better To Be Broken by Rick Huntress
This is a small, compact sort of book that is easy to read and hard to put down. One of my favorite types. A definite for the bedside to read before retiring.
This autobiography, “Better To Be Broken” written by Rick Huntress was written so well. The author shares his testimonies throughout the book of his experiences following an accident which left him wheel chair bound.
I believe he has made deep hearted times light and that this man has a ministry working with others who are also wheel chair bound.
Indeed, this man's writing is quite inspirational, encouraging, is sound biblically, and causes one to want to reach out for one's own calling in Christ Jesus!
Good for those who have had similar experiences and needing the encouragement but also good for those who, like myself, are needing encouragement through our own life’s challenges.
I highly recommend this book to all!
I received this book for free from the BookCrash book review program in exchange for a book review. I was not required to write a favorable review. Freely I have been given and freely I give.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Found Missing by Linda Slavin
I must admit that I had an extremely hard time getting through the beginning of this book. So much so that I even considered not reading on any further. However, I felt an urging from the Holy Spirit to continue on with the story and was glad that I did.
You see, I had a hard time reading this due to the abuse the author suffered at the hands of her own husband and for a period of many years. Plus the fact that after being baptized in the Holy Spirit I became convicted to change my habits, including what I read…and have grown to be more sensitive…
The author did not share all the abuse she suffered. I suspect just enough to give us all an idea of what she had gone through.
The author ends up accepting Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. In turn she witnesses to her abusive husband and he, too, accepts Christ. It was a timely conversion for her husband as shortly after this he becomes murdered.
I stand once again amazed by God and how He is with His people!!! He not only led this author to His side but her husband also and just before his death! In such a timely manner! But then again…He is an “on time God.”\
As you read this book you will find many other ways the Lord led the author including in finding her new husband and revealing to her who murdered her late husband. This fact was proven and confirmed years later when witnesses fessed up after being riddled with guilt for many years.
Worth the read and will bring about an increase in your faith!!!
Based on a true story!
As always, all glory to our God!!!
Here is a link to the author's page.
I received this book for free in exchange for a book review from BOOKCRASH. ( I was not required to write a positive review. Freely I have been given and freely I give.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Word Spirit Power by R.T Kendall, Charles Carrin & Jack Taylor.
I knew immediately after reading the title of this book that it was “the next one up” of books the Lord was wanting me to read. It was as if Holy Spirit took a deep breath and gave me mouth to mouth. As I began and continued to read I was reassured this to be the case.
I have come to know that people are usually one of two things…1)Having begun in the Word or 2) Having begun in the Spirit.
I personally began in the Spirit…I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal Savior at a movie theatre, outside of the four church walls and was baptized in the Holy Spirit in a treatment center, also outside the four church walls. I was given spiritual gifts and was walking in the Spirit long before I understood what any of this meant. It was all confirmed to me in the Word of God years later.
I came to see I had a need to know more of God’s Word and always felt a lack in this area. Yet I also found there were people who had the Word but not the Spirit. I found there was a need, and still is, for the two, Spirit and Word to come together.
So it was not a surprise to me that the Lord would quicken this book for me to read.
Once I attended a conference where the minister shared his secret for having the power of the Holy Spirit…so much so that he would lay hands on the dead and they would come to life again! Yes! He said he moved in the Holy Spirit and that he was continually reading his bible. That made an impact on me and I have held it in my heart.
The authors in this book share many nuggets and testimonies of truth regarding the importance of Spirit and Word coming together and equally Power. Especially in the last days.
There were parts of the book that were so pure of God’s Truth that it brought me to tears and caused me to practically hold my breath as I took in the words.
I am thankful for the Lord placing this very timely book in my hands and I highly recommend it to you as well.
May it encourage you to pray regarding your own lack in whichever direction it may be in, whether it be in Spirit or in Word and that the Lord would encourage you as He has me to head in the right direction !!!
I received this book for free from the publisher CHOSEN, a division of Baker Publishing Group in exchange for a book review. I was not required to write a favorable review. Freely I have been given, now freely I give.
Visions Of The Coming Days by R.Loren Sandford
This is one book that I have highlighted, underlined and meditated upon. I will not lend it out. It will be kept for my personal library that I may refer back to it. I have already taken this book to a women’s ministry meeting and have read excerpts out of it to share with the others and also recommended they each get their own copy.
To be perfectly honest with you, ending up with this particular book in my hands was a set up of the Holy Spirit. He set me up. He prepared me ahead of time using nature…little foxes…beware the little foxes which spoil the vine…little sins which grow up into destruction in ones life. Lord was revealing to me the need for holiness in my life and had begun pointing things out.
Next thing I know I am reading about “…the need for integrity and character to be woven into the life of any person who has been given a spiritual gift” via R. Loren Sandford in his book “VISIONS OF THE COMING DAYS.”
There are many, many things R.Loren Sandford addresses in this book. It is chock full of material you will want to take in and digest if you are interested in being prepared for what lies ahead in the coming days.
I am being shown it is like someone holding a light and showing important facts quite clearly.
Reading this book has caused me to become wrecked for anything of the ordinary.
A book in due season.
I received this book for free in exchange for a book review. I was not required to give a favorable review. Freely I have been given, now freely I give. I received this book from the publisher CHOSEN, a division of Baker Publishing Group.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
Jesus Driven Ministry by Ajith Fernando
This is an EXCELLENT book to read for those of you who, like me, are desiring to enter into the ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I have been taking some online bible classed through Pillar Of Truth Bible Institute and this was one I was required to read for one of the classes. IT IS VERY GOOD!!!
One thing I love about the Lord…when you are studying something in the right season…He teaches you in between the lines…He is doing this with me with this particular book.
One of the things taught…is not to set “holiness” aside as some are in the habit of doing. It is taught here that some in biblical times lost their power due to operating in the gifts without also being characterized with the Lord’s holiness. This spoke to me BIG TIME as recently the Lord spoke to me through 3 little foxes. I knew what this meant…the little foxes being so called “little sins” which grow up to be quite destructive!!! In my case…He was calling to mind…little foxes in my own life…one was…coming home to find I was not charged for something and taking a lonnnnnggggg time to go back and pay for it. I did go back and got ‘er paid for…as know it is just too big a cost to let it go.
Just one example of the many nuggets in store for you in this book.
For me this book has been one of those “just can’t seem to put it down” type of books and I look forward to time with the Lord as I read the lines and listen in between the lines.
May you be blessed and enriched and more prepared for the ministry the Lord has for you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord!!!! ~amen~
Miracles Are For Real by James L. Garlow and Keith Wall
If you are someone who loves to read other’s testimonies as I do then this is the book for you! Something I have learned regarding testimonies…if the Lord is leading a person to share one…then this is what the Lord is intending to do for you!!!
I recall a time when I was praying for a miracle for my Dad. He was dying of cancer. In the midst of my weeping and begging God for this miracle for my Dad the Lord responded to me and said, “Will you still believe in miracles if I don’t give one to your dad?” I answered quickly back…”YES!” He then said, “Well, I’m going to do something special for your dad.” The Lord was faithful…He led me to anoint my dad with oil and to ask for Him to baptize my dad with the Holy Spirit. I overheard my mom sometime later saying she had heard my dad speaking in some other language.
I believe what you read about, immerse yourself in…that this is what will take place.
Immerse yourself in this book and read about other’s testimonies of miracles…they actually do happen!!!
God bless you in your walk with our Lord and I pray all you who are seeking miracles for yourselves or for loved ones…I pray in agreement with your prayers…IN JESUS NAME I PRAY…~amen~
I received this book for free from the publisher in exchange for a book review. I was not required to write a favorable review. Freely I have been given and freely I give. I received this book from Chosen publishing.
Monday, June 4, 2012
The Essential Guide to Healing by Bill Johnson and Randy Clark
“The Essential Guide to Healing”
By Bill Johnson and Randy Clark
This is my first time reading any of either Bill Johnson’s or Randy Clark’s writings. I have heard of both of them, just have not read them. Having said that, I will not hesitate to read either of their writings in the future!
This is an excellent book and one I recommend.
One of the topics which really stood out to me was written by Bill Johnson. It was in Chapter 8, “The Power Of The Testimony.” What Bill Johnson wrote helped give me a much greater understanding as to why God oftentimes has us testify as to the things He has done for us in our lives. Has encouraged me to be more obedient when asked to share one of my testimonies. Bill explains that giving our testimony is prophesying God’s intent for others. I say amen to that one!
Another one of the topics which stood out to me was written by Randy Clark. This topic was in Chapter 10. “ Words Of Knowledge For Healing.” How even just by Randy teaching about having a word of knowledge which leads to healing caused others to also rise up in this most powerful anointing! I loved just reading the testimonies which Randy shared throughout this chapter.
These are just two of the things out of many in this prophetically charged book. I feel stirred in my spirit man having read this book and encourage you to do the same.
I am glad I read this book and will be referring back to it time and time again.
I received this book free from Chosen, a division of Baker Publishing Group in exchange for a free review. I was not required to give a positive review but give it freely. Much deserved.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
KJV/Amplified Parallel Bible, Large-Print-Soft Leather-Look Camel/Burgundy by Zondervan
I did a lot of looking around before finally settling on this particular bible. I have worn out my first KJV/Amplified parallel bible and after trying other versions knew I needed just to buy a newer one of the same. I am not sorry I did! I love the leather look, the larger print, the gold gilded edges...for those of you who usually read giant print...this may not be the bible for you...but it works for me!
Of course if I had the choice...I would of bought one that was geniune leather...perhaps Zondervan will eventually create one! Hopefully one that is two tone like this imitation leather I really love the look and feel of it.
I did take my new bible in and have it engraved at my local Christian book only regret is that I did not ask where they would put this engraving...instead of putting it on the lower right hand side like I just thought they was put more in the center...but oh and learn!!! If you have yours engraved make sure they know where you really, truly want it.
The first scripture I read from my new bible was the 23rd of my brought tears to my eyes knowing I had bought the best bible out there for me!
This particular bible I purchased through and was completely happy and satisfied with Amazon.
Thanks once again Amazon!
Saturday, May 5, 2012
The Founders' Key By Larry P. Arnn
Let me first say that I am not a history buff nor am I interested in the political realm of things or of governmental issues. Having said that I will recommend this book to those who ARE history buffs, interested in the political realm and governmental issues.
Dr. Arnn presents truths which he backs up with source documents which are included towards the back of the book. These include: The Declaration, Constitution and Federalist Papers.
Dr. Arnn is the President of Hillsdale College. He also teaches History and the Constitution amongst other things.
I received this book free from the publisher through the book review program. I was not required to write a positive review.
Spirit Wars by Kris Vallotton
This is an EXCELLENT book written by Kris Vallotton who ministers well in healing and deliverance and is also known for power in ministry. All this according to Bill Johnson who has been close friends with the Kris Vallotoon and his wife Kathy for over 32 years.
It ceases to amaze me how little most people actually know about the field of healing and deliverance and some will even scoff when the subject is brought up. Not me. I know it is for real. I have also been called for such a time as this for this very same type of ministry. I have had but a taste of it and yet I know it to be true and know it to be real. This is not fantasy but Truth and Reality folks!
I am very glad to of gotten a copy of this book, “Spirit Wars” in my hands. I had become complacent in this area and it is very evident in my life.
I highly recommend this book to you. Kris Vallotton not only shares testimonies about how he came into the field of healing and deliverance (which to me are priceless in themselves!) but also shares how the Lord has taught him how to battle these demons. Kris does not desire for all to now have a “demon conscience” so to speak…but to keep the focus on the Lord. Yet seems he is wanting us all to be very much aware of the battle we are in and shares concepts on how to fight it. What our part is.
There is very much more written here…golden nuggets you can gather up and place in your own spiritual arsenal.
I will be keeping this book as part of my private collection to refer back to again and again.
I thank the Lord for inspiring people such as Kris Vallotton…to not only rise up in answering the call on his life…but to also write about his experiences in order to not only teach the rest of us…but to encourage us to also rise up in what the Lord has called us to do.
I recommend this book highly.
I received this book for free in exchange for a book review from Chosen Books. I was not required to write a favorable review. Freely I have been given so I now freely give.
Thursday, May 3, 2012
A Garden of Love by Thomas B. Clarke
I thought this was a pretty book. I loved looking at the pictures of all the flowers. The part I liked the most was that the author was divinely inspired to write this book and put it together. This shows me that God has purpose in this book and that it should not be taken lightly.
Having said that…I am currently in a season of much work and so much of what I read seemed wasted on me. I felt this book would be better off in the hands of someone who has the time to take to just sit with the book, perhaps even in their prayer garden…and ponder the meaning of it all. I felt it was more suited for an elderly person with time on their hands or even for a gardener, then for someone still in the working season.
I do have plans for a personal prayer garden and so will keep this book for the times I will have there and for further inspiration as to what to plant.
I feel blessed to have this copy in possession and am glad for it.
Thanks Lord for bringing the inspiration and leading for this book written by Thomas B. Clarke and thank you for using him…in Jesus name…amen.
I received this book for free in exchange for a book review from the BookCrash book review program. I was not required to give a favorable review.
The Fourth Fisherman by Joe Kissack
I must admit…this book was a hard start for me. I wasn’t even sure if I wanted to keep reading it. I am glad I pressed into it as it turned and became one of those “hard to put down” sort of reads.
The author wrote two different stories, alternating between chapters. I found myself looking more forward to the stories about Joe personally then I did about the fisherman.
There were many things Joe wrote which spoke to me as if directly from the Lord.
I am encouraged by the things the author shared. How his life drastically changed from being an alcoholic/addict to living a life of radically chasing after a dream for his life which the Holy Spirit inspired and confirmed many times over. We all ought to be living such lives.
The plan that God had for him was one of getting the true story of the fishermen and writing about it. It was not an easy task and there were many lies being told about the fishermen(that they were cannibals and drug trafficers) before this and trust was lost. This trust had to be regained in order to even get their story.
Joe’s testimonies he shared in this book brought strength and a deeper belief or faith for the vision/dream which the Lord has placed within my own life. I have renewed vision and strength and can believe for it once again due to having read this book.
May you all also be strengthened and encouraged to believe for your own selves that yes, it IS God leading you to do a certain something and that yes, even though it seems hard to believe and even one of those, “Is this God or have I lost my mind?” sort of things…know that the Lord will bring confirmations just as he has for Joe to keep you going until whatever He has called you to do is complete.
May the Lord bless you as you continue on your journey of fulfilling your calling in Christ Jesus.
Oh and yes, I recommend this book. You will not want to put it down and know it all comes together in the end. Amen.
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group. I was not required to give a favorable review. Freely I have been given and freely I give.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Angels Are For Real, by Judith MacNutt
This book is a good, sound and biblical book about angels. The author not only shares scriptural references to teach the different roles of the angels but also shares testimonies from people who have had personal experiences themselves with angels. Angels are not just something the Lord used back in the Old Testament days. He, God, still uses angels today to help His people. I loved this book I think mostly because I can relate to the testimonies others have had concerning their supernatural experiences with angels for I have had some myself. The first time was during a conference where people from all over the world were in attendance. We were all expecting of the Lord and He did not fail us. The praise and worship was so deep that we just kept singing the same thing again and again and none of us wanted to come out! It was during such a time of praise and worship that I saw angels beginning to file up around the musicians. I was not shown their faces or anything in great detail…only their wings. I saw them in iridescent colors of shiny white, pale lavender and pink.
I recommend this book to anyone but especially to those who they themselves have had personal experiences with angels and want to know more about the roles of the angels.
Reading this book has stirred me up spiritually and I am yearning to have more experiences with God Himself and also with His angels.
May the Lord bless you in your Christian walk and may you also be stirred spiritually by having just read this book review! In Jesus name I pray, amen.
I received this book free from the book review program at Chosen Publishing in exchange for writing a review. I was not required to write a favorable review.
I recommend this book to anyone but especially to those who they themselves have had personal experiences with angels and want to know more about the roles of the angels.
Reading this book has stirred me up spiritually and I am yearning to have more experiences with God Himself and also with His angels.
May the Lord bless you in your Christian walk and may you also be stirred spiritually by having just read this book review! In Jesus name I pray, amen.
I received this book free from the book review program at Chosen Publishing in exchange for writing a review. I was not required to write a favorable review.
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Simple Secrets To A Happy Life, by Luci Swindoll
LOVE THIS BOOK!!! This one will NOT be given away and probably not lent out. I may, however, purchase this book to give to the closest women in my life! It is just that good!
This is my first read of any of Luci Swindoll’s material. Luci is an author, popular speaker, photographer, musician, artist, and world traveler. Sounds like she is also a good friend to all she encounters. Chuck Swindoll is her brother and I have loved, and kept, many of his books.
What I love, love, love about this book is:
1)The chapters are short. (Perfect for those who are busy and on the go) One chapter is the perfect size for reading something right before nodding off to sleep.
2)The chapters are chock full of great advice which is laced with sound wisdom.
3)What you read has opportune to be life changing. (That is, if you TAKE her great advice)
4)Luci has a Biblical and Christian perspective.
After reading this book or even just one single chapter you feel as if you’ve just had quality time with a close friend, a mentor, a life coach, big sister or even your mother! (I miss you Mom!)
I will be on the look out for more of Luci Swindoll’s writings. They are sure to become a favorite of your own as well.
I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review.
This is my first read of any of Luci Swindoll’s material. Luci is an author, popular speaker, photographer, musician, artist, and world traveler. Sounds like she is also a good friend to all she encounters. Chuck Swindoll is her brother and I have loved, and kept, many of his books.
What I love, love, love about this book is:
1)The chapters are short. (Perfect for those who are busy and on the go) One chapter is the perfect size for reading something right before nodding off to sleep.
2)The chapters are chock full of great advice which is laced with sound wisdom.
3)What you read has opportune to be life changing. (That is, if you TAKE her great advice)
4)Luci has a Biblical and Christian perspective.
After reading this book or even just one single chapter you feel as if you’ve just had quality time with a close friend, a mentor, a life coach, big sister or even your mother! (I miss you Mom!)
I will be on the look out for more of Luci Swindoll’s writings. They are sure to become a favorite of your own as well.
I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review.
Thursday, March 1, 2012
Dinner With A Perfect Stranger by David Gregory
First off I LOVE the compact size and the fact that it is a hard back. The colors of the book jacket are also quite appealing and made me immediately want to sit down in a comfy chair with this book. Having said that, the contents of the book matched my initial reaction to it.
The written invitation to a dinner with Jesus of Nazareth made my heart pound to even think of such a thing happening. Thoughts of this actually happening in my own life flooded my mind. Could you imagine actually being physically invited to a dinner with JESUS?!?!?!?! My thoughts immediately went to, “Would I take along some questions to ask Him?” or “Would I just be happy to be there in His presence?”
This book is a quick read and one of those you don’t want to put down until you’ve finished it.
Here is my suggestions to you”
1) Get the book.
2) Read it.
3) Give it or borrow it to someone else.
Very thought provoking.
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group. I was not required to give a favorable review.
The written invitation to a dinner with Jesus of Nazareth made my heart pound to even think of such a thing happening. Thoughts of this actually happening in my own life flooded my mind. Could you imagine actually being physically invited to a dinner with JESUS?!?!?!?! My thoughts immediately went to, “Would I take along some questions to ask Him?” or “Would I just be happy to be there in His presence?”
This book is a quick read and one of those you don’t want to put down until you’ve finished it.
Here is my suggestions to you”
1) Get the book.
2) Read it.
3) Give it or borrow it to someone else.
Very thought provoking.
I received this book for free from WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group. I was not required to give a favorable review.
Our Favorite Sins by Todd D. Hunter
Ever have repeated temptations in your life? Ever make excuses for giving in to them? (ex=It’s my only vice/It’s not like the bigger sins like murder/It’s just this one small thing)
If you have then you’re not alone! But now, here, this question: “Ever try to stop?” or “Want to gain tools to overcome temptation and not give in?” If so then this book is for YOU- whether you are a Christian or non-Christian. It seems all human beings have this problem in one area or another. This author offers solutions.
Worth the read and came to me as a word in due season.
I recommend it.
I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a favorable review.
If you have then you’re not alone! But now, here, this question: “Ever try to stop?” or “Want to gain tools to overcome temptation and not give in?” If so then this book is for YOU- whether you are a Christian or non-Christian. It seems all human beings have this problem in one area or another. This author offers solutions.
Worth the read and came to me as a word in due season.
I recommend it.
I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a favorable review.
Monday, February 13, 2012
The Necessity of an Enemy by Ron Carpenter Jr.
This book is right up my alley. Discusses issues such as depression and bad thinking which are enemies from within. The author discusses these issues but oh so much more. If you’ve ever felt attacked by the enemy and have been left feeling confused and defenseless (and who of us Christians out there have not?) then this book is for you. “ To fulfill your purpose and stay true to your calling, you need to understand the reason for your enemies. If you do so, when they rise up against you, you will know how to battle back and see your enemies from God’s point of view.” Need I say more? Recommend this for Christians who want to know how to fight back, learn and grow from the “attacks.”
I received this book for free from Waterbrook Multnomah Publishing Group. I was not required to write a favorable review.
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
The Coming Revolution: Signs from America's Past That Signal Our Nation's Future by Richard Lee
I have to be honest. I have never been much of a history buff nor have I ever been one to get into politics. This book may just have changed this in my life!
The title caught my attention as last year during my time with the Lord He told me there was going to be a Revolution. I have thought He meant in my city! Indeed I have seen some changes in my city but now that I have read this book I find it means more then in just my city and has it yet even begun? The book will fire you up to stand up for what is right and even tells you can do in the last chapter. It speaks about Christians coming together and speaking out and changes being made due to this. A must read for every Christian and non-Christian alike.
I received this book free from the publisher through the Book Sneeze book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. Freely I have been given so freely I give.
The title caught my attention as last year during my time with the Lord He told me there was going to be a Revolution. I have thought He meant in my city! Indeed I have seen some changes in my city but now that I have read this book I find it means more then in just my city and has it yet even begun? The book will fire you up to stand up for what is right and even tells you can do in the last chapter. It speaks about Christians coming together and speaking out and changes being made due to this. A must read for every Christian and non-Christian alike.
I received this book free from the publisher through the Book Sneeze book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. Freely I have been given so freely I give.
Wild Goose Chase by Mark Batterson
This is one of those types of books where you don’t have to get too far into it to begin to learn and retain things which help you in your walk with God. It seems there is life which you breathe in and it becomes a part of you sort of thing happening. This book has caused me to re-think my life. Am I living my life to be safe and secure? Or am I taking leaps of faith and living dangerously for the Lord! It has caused me to ponder…is this all my life is about? I have known there is something more coming up ahead for me as in my life’s calling which the Lord has created me for…but have I been on the right path in order to get there? Or have I been planning my life myself with what I consider (compared to God’s) having a pea brain. My thoughts are not HIS thoughts and my ways not HIS ways…this book will have you re-thinking your mind sets and desiring to get set straight and back onto the path the Lord has for you. I plan to also read the author’s other book called, “In a Pit With a Lion On a Snowy Day.”
I received this book for free from the WaterBrook Multnomah Publishing Group in exchange for this review. I was not required to give a favorable review.
Saturday, January 14, 2012
Then Sings My Soul Book 3 by Robert J. Morgan
When I first set eyes on this book I was immediately in love with it! It is so delightful! It has a beautiful cover and the edges are those tattered ones which are my own personal favorite. As I flipped through this book and began to read the hymns it evoked memories from my childhood of growing up in the church and singing these old hymns in the children’s choir. I have been singing these hymns ever since! This book emphasizes that it is important to not allow the old hymns to fade away. It could be used as a devotional as reading it is quite inspirational. Would make a great gift for those who love the old hymns or for those who are musically inclined. Would make a great keepsake. I plan to have mine near my side especially when I pull my guitar out during my personal times of praise and worship before the Lord. I recommend this book highly! God bless you…
I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I freely give my review and was not required to give a positive review.
Thursday, January 12, 2012
90 Days of God's Goodness by Randy Alcorn
My first initial reaction to the physical side of this book was, “I loved it!” Of course I always prefer a good hardback book any day over a paper back but that is just my own personal preference. I also liked the color of the original book cover (a muted red) as well as the book jacket’s look. I like the size of the book as it fits well in my hand and is easy to hold with one hand if necessary. As to the literary content…this was all good in my eyes as well. The book is laid out to be read over a period of 90 days as the title suggests. I like that this includes daily bible readings as I am always looking for ways to include the Word of God in my day. This would be a great book to give someone as a gift or as a gift to yourself to be able to feed yourself spiritually each day. I could see myself going back to this little honey of a book from time to time as a special spiritual snack. I recommend it.
I received this book for free from Water Brook Multonomah Publishing Group for this review. I was not required to leave a favorable review.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
I Am A Follower (The Way, Truth, and Life of Following Jesus) by Leonard Sweet
Reading this book has changed my mindset about leadership in my walk with Jesus. It has caused me to re-think the things I have learned in the past. I had been striving to become a leader. I see here that the better way is to become a follower…a follower of Christ Jesus. If to lead, then as a servant leader. This comes at a time in my life when I am doing some real soul searching . I have questions about many things…church attendance…fellowship with others…spiritual fathers or mothers… Things seemed to have taken a turn and many are questioning church as we know it as well as leadership. If you are one of these doing the questioning and even if you aren’t…you may want to read this book and allow the Lord to change your mind sets as well.
The author has thought provoking quotes throughout the book which I really like. Here is an example of one:
Lord, Jesus Christ, you call your followers to leave their old selves behind and to trust to you their future lives. Hold out your hand to us and give us courage to grasp hold of you; that we may experience your transforming love. We make our prayer in your name. Amen. Leslie J. Francis
“Followership is not an easy path, and Jesus never pretended otherwise.”
Where is the Lord taking us in this hour…He who has an ear to hear, hear what the Spirit is saying unto the churches….
I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review.
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