Thursday, May 3, 2012

A Garden of Love by Thomas B. Clarke

I thought this was a pretty book. I loved looking at the pictures of all the flowers. The part I liked the most was that the author was divinely inspired to write this book and put it together. This shows me that God has purpose in this book and that it should not be taken lightly. Having said that…I am currently in a season of much work and so much of what I read seemed wasted on me. I felt this book would be better off in the hands of someone who has the time to take to just sit with the book, perhaps even in their prayer garden…and ponder the meaning of it all. I felt it was more suited for an elderly person with time on their hands or even for a gardener, then for someone still in the working season. I do have plans for a personal prayer garden and so will keep this book for the times I will have there and for further inspiration as to what to plant. I feel blessed to have this copy in possession and am glad for it. Thanks Lord for bringing the inspiration and leading for this book written by Thomas B. Clarke and thank you for using him…in Jesus name…amen. I received this book for free in exchange for a book review from the BookCrash book review program. I was not required to give a favorable review.

1 comment:

  1. Jean - I can see from your "About Me" that you are, in fact, a very busy woman. Thank you for taking the time to write this review.

    As you read in the "About the Author" at the end of "A Garden of Love", I wrote this while on a two-week retreat with my wife. May I suggest that if you and your husband take time away from home by yourselves, possibly a quiet place in the woods, on a lake, or near a stream, you would consider bringing your Bible and this book with you? By searching the New Testament for the word "love", you too might have a similar encounter with the Lord.

    In Christ,
    Tom Clarke
