Sunday, December 2, 2012

Fasting Student Edition by Jentezen Franklin

Whenever I see Jentezen Franklin's name I immediately think of fasting and bringing in the New Year with fasting. It is my belief that this man of God has an anointing on his life, in part, to teach on fasting. I have no doubt he is also anointed for oh so much more but the subject of fasting is what I know him for. The author has used many Biblical examples/testimonies for how those in that day fasted and the outcome. This is quite encouraging and inspiring. Reading this book has encouraged me greatly but also exposed to me an area where I have been lacking in my spiritual walk/journey. It is apparent to me that I have back sliden in my busyness and have laid aside what used to be so much a part of my life..that being...fasting. Jentezen Franklin teaches so much about fasting. I can see why this is called a “student edition.” Although I am middle aged and a grandmother I am still a student at heart and always hope to remain teachable. As such I have gleaned much from this book. I highly recommend this book book and I highly recommend reading this or other books on the subject of fasting for that matter, while you are partaking in a fast. I also recommend that you keep a pen and journal handy for the Lord will surely bless and reward you while on your fast with many divine revelations and even direction in your life for the upcoming days. I intend to add this book that Jentezen Franklin has written to my collection of other books on fasting. This one is by far the best I have read or own. Good time of the year to have this good read ready for the coming New prepare to fast the New Year in...this giving these first days of the year to our Lord. I have received this book for free in exchange for a free book review through the Charisma House book review program. I was not required to give a favorable review. Freely I have been given and freely I give.

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