Wednesday, April 10, 2013

"A Time For Every Purpose Under Heaven" A Missions Memoir written by Chris Loehmer Kincaid

The reason I chose to read this book is because it is a “Missions Memoir” and I have an interest in missions work as well as in Africa itself. The title also attracted me....”A time for every purpose under heaven” which is one of my life's bible verses. I also like the front cover as it has a picture taken in Africa and gives one a glimpse of what it must be like to be there! I feel Holy Spirit drew me to this book and so no surprise that it not only held my interest but was one of those “I just can't seem to put it down” sort of books. This is a true story about a woman who ends up being led by God to go on a missions trip. It speaks of the details of her trip including how they washed and used the bathroom. It speaks of the ways of the people and the beauty at times in the scenery. I liked that the author shared things which “took you there” to Africa and being in her shoes. I've often imagined what it must be like to go to a place like Africa and now I feel as if I've been able to take a little peek into what it is like to do so. I have enjoyed reading this book and it has kept me wanting to know read more... each night before going to bed. This is the first book I have ever read on missions work/ministry and I intend now to find and read more on this subject. I highly recommend it to you! I received this book for free from Life Sentence Publishing, LLC through the book review program. I was not required to write a favorable review. Freely I have received and so freely I give.

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