Friday, May 10, 2013

Willing To Walk On Water by Caroline Barnett

I love everything about this book including the vibrant and beautiful colors and picture on the cover! I even love the “feel” of this book. For me, receiving and then reading this book was timely. It is an “on time” word for me in this current, anointed of God, season. This is a season for me where I need to be “Willing To Walk On Water” just as the title suggests. I am stepping out in obediance to our Lord in areas of ministry where I have not gone before. I cannot begin to tell you how greatly the author, Caroline Barnett, encouraged me through the words she wrote under the guidance and inspiration of the Holy Spirit. I really connected with this book. One of the reasons being, I have already heard about the Dream Center in California which the author speaks about quite frequently. I used to know a woman who told me she was a minister there and she spoke quite highly of it. Having this book in my hands is it would seem. I will be adding this book along with others towards a collection which will become books for a future church library that I believe is in my future. I recommend this book strongly for those in all walks of Christianity but especially to those who know they have a calling in Christ Jesus and are about to step out on the waters with Him. You will be empowered, brought up and out...catapulted from those recliners of comfort zones and launched out into your destinies...this is what has happened to me anyway!!! I received this book for free from the Tyndale Momentum Publishers in exchange for a free book review through book review program. I was not required to write a favorable review.